• Art

    World’s Oldest Terrarium / Sealed Bottle Ecosystem by – Only Watered Once in 53 Years

    80-year-old David Latimer planted a garden in a huge 10-gallon bottle in 1960 and opened it to water it only once in 1972. Now the portable bottle garden is almost 54 years old and is still flourishing in its own closed ecosystem. Back when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the U.S., Latimer planted the garden by placing some compost, a quarter pint of water and a spiderwort sprout into a 10-gallon glass bottle. Opened only once, the garden has created a self-sufficient miniature ecosystem. All it really needs is plenty of sunlight and a loving guardian. Latimer, now in his 80s, is proud of his gardening experiment. According to…

  • Art

    The Giant Hand Of Vyrnwy

    Giant Hand of Vyrnwy – Comprising of a single giant hand in an existing tree stump. Height – 50ft total including tree stump.Example cost for a similar sculpture – £12,000 The tallest tree in Wales had been damaged by a storm and was supposed to be cut down, but a better solution was found.Natural Resource Wales, which was in charge of the site, ordered artist Simon O’ Rourke to cut down the tree.He came up with the concept of carving what the tree stump and trunk into a giant hand – to symbolize the tree’s last attempt to reach the sky. Artist Simon O’Rourke brings new meaning to a “palm…