When she was 2 , her sister was twice her age meaning that 2×2= 4 years, simply put her sister was 2 years order than her which was the age difference between the duo, now that the young sister is 40, it’s simply 40 +the 2 years age difference=42 years.
When i was 4, my sister was twice my age, now i am 20, how old is my sister ?..
When she was 4 , her sister was twice her age meaning that 4×4= 16 years, simply put her sister was 12 years order than her which was the age difference between the duo, now that you are 20, it’s simply 20 +the 12 years age difference=32 years.
When i was 6, my sister was twice my age, now i am 10, how old is my sister ?..
When she was 6 , her sister was twice her age meaning that 6×6= 36 years, simply put her sister was 30 years order than her which was the age difference between the duo, now that you are 10, it’s simply 10 +the 30 years age difference=40 years.